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 🅰HINTS 結論/提示

 🔠Many versions used the word, "bold" or "confidence". But reading verses in that part actually tells people the meaning is more about faith & trust.

 🅱 Clearer ones 較清楚的版本:

 “... convinced that you possess a treasure growing in heaven that could never be taken from you. So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward! You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full.”
 ~Hebrews 10:34B‭-‬36 TPT The Passion Translation https://bible.com/bible/1849/heb.10.34-36.TPT 

「...因為知道你們在天上 有更好的、長存的產業。 所以,不要丟棄你們的確信,這確信帶來極大的報償。 其實,你們需要忍耐,好在你們行完神的旨意以後,可以領受所應許的。」
~ 希伯來書 10:34B‭-‬36 CSBT 中文標準譯本 https://bible.com/bible/312/heb.10.34-36.CSBT

「...それはあなたがたが、もっとすぐれた、永遠に残るものを持っていることを知っていたからです。 このようなすばらしい祝福が待っているのですから、どんなことがあっても、主を信じ続けなさい。やがて主から受ける報いを思いなさい。 神の約束されたものをいただきたいと願うなら、忍耐しなければなりません。」
 ~へブル人への手紙 10:34B‭-‬36 JCB Japanese Contemporary Bible https://bible.com/bible/83/heb.10.34-36.JCB

 “...since you knew that what you possessed was better and would last forever. So don’t throw away that courage of yours, which carries with it such a great reward. For you need to hold out; so that, by having done what God wills, you may receive what he has promised.”
Messianic Jews (Heb) 10:34B‭-‬36 CJB Complete Jewish Bible https://bible.com/bible/1275/heb.10.34-36.CJB

(字裏行間,當時信徒在壓迫之下, 信, 是要勇敢去信的. Reading between the line, it did take courage to have faith in the oppressive regime)


 The most of us who have not learnt Biblical Hebew, Biblical Aramaic, and Biblical Greek.
👘聖書のヘブライ語、聖書のアラム語、聖書のギリシャ語を学んでいない私たち 。
🀄 大多數沒有學習聖經古希伯來語,聖經古亞拉姆語和聖經古希臘語的我們。

🔠It is better to compare a lot of translated versions. (There are over 60 English versions & over 1000 others.)

 目的: 尋找最真最接近原意的。

