
愛 與 罪 Love covers sins 1Peter4v8

Multilingual versions 1 Peter 4:8 (my thoughts at the end)
Compare !! (my notes at the bottom)

English versions:

'Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. ' NLT New Living Translation https://my.bible.com/bible/116/1PE.4.8

' Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]. [Ref. Prov. 10:12.]' * AMPC Amplified https://my.bible.com/bible/8/1PE.4.8 'Continue to love each other very much. That is more important than anything else. If you love people, you will forgive them for any wrong things that they have done. ' EASY © 2018 MissionAssist https://my.bible.com/bible/2079/1PE.4.8 'Above all, show sincere love to each other, because love brings about the forgiveness of many sins. ' CEB Common English https://my.bible.com/bible/37/1PE.4.8 'And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. ' NMV https://my.bible.com/bible/2135/1PE.4.8

'Most importantly, love each other deeply. Love has a way of not looking at others’ sins. ' ICB International Children Bible https://my.bible.com/bible/1359/1PE.4.8

Chinese - Traditional Chinese versions 五體中文字 繁體字

「最重要的是要彼此真誠相愛,因為愛可以遮蓋許多罪。 」 彼得前書 4:8 Chinese Contemporary Bible ( 聖經當代譯本修訂版 ) CCB 聖經當代譯本修訂版 https://my.bible.com/bible/1392/1PE.4.8

「最要緊的是:要持守彼此之間熱切的愛,因為愛能遮蓋眾多的罪孽。」 彼得前書 4:8 CSBT 中文標準譯本 https://my.bible.com/bible/312/1PE.4.8

Japanese 日本語

「何よりもまず、互の愛を熱く保ちなさい。 愛は多くの罪をおおうものである。 」 ペテロの第一の手紙 4:8 JA955 https://my.bible.com/bible/81/1PE.4.8 「何よりも、互いに熱心に愛し合いなさい。 愛は、多くの欠けた点を補うからです。 」 ペテロの手紙Ⅰ 4:8 JCB Japanese Contemporary Bible (リビングバイブル) https://my.bible.com/bible/83/1PE.4.8

French Francais

'Avant tout, aimez-vous de tout votre cœur, parce que « l’amour efface beaucoup de péchés » . ' Première lettre de Pierre 4:8 PDV 2017 Parole de Vie 2017
https://my.bible.com/bible/133/1PE.4.8 'Mais surtout, ayez entre vous une ardente charité : car la charité couvrira une multitude de péchés. ' 1 Pierre 4:8 FMAR Martin 1744 https://my.bible.com/bible/62/1PE.4.8

German Deutsch

'Vor allen Dingen aber habt untereinander eine inbrünstige Liebe, denn die Liebe bedeckt eine Menge von Sünden. ' 1. Petrus 4:8 ELB71 Elberfelder 1871 https://my.bible.com/bible/58/1PE.4.8
'Vor allem aber bringt einander eine tiefe und herzliche Liebe entgegen, denn »die Liebe«, ´so sagt uns die Schrift,` »deckt viele Sünden zu« . ' 1. Petrus 4:8 NGU 2011 2011 Genfer Bibelgesellschaft https://my.bible.com/bible/108/1PE.4.8
~~~ THREE points ♠ "cover" ? So I reckon:it is not cover up, not hide, but overshadow, offset & forgive. :
♣ Looking at one single verse can be confusing. Please refer to the chapter. And the verse has a reference to Proverb 10:12 'Hatred stirs up trouble. But love forgives all wrongs.' Proverbs 10:12 https://my.bible.com/bible/1359/PRO.10.12 ♠ As explained before in another blog entry, there were different words for different types of love in ancient languages of Hebrews and Greek. English has one word which the Hebrews and Greek use several. It is not just romantic love or parent love or for people in poor conditions, it is not the modern meaning of charity, either. It is more like a Godly love. .

