Hebrew Calendars with main feasts/holidays.
猶太希伯來曆法 是看月亮計算的. Lunar Calendar.
傳統也是農業社會. Agricultural society traditionally.
Affected by Babylon during diaspora
after the country was invaded by foreigners.
Often we come across Hebrew calendars & festivals in Bible.
Searched and integrated info into a chart.
1. Abib/Aviv. 大麥穗成熟 (西3-4月) 春天.
2. Ziw/ Ziv. 花朶明亮 (西4-5月)
3. Mattan. 莊稼禮物 (西5-6月)
4. Zabah/ Sabah. 奉獻出產 (西6-7月)
5. Karar. 夏日之熱 (西7-8月)
6. Sah / Sahhiym / Tsahim.陽光普照 (西8-9月)
7. Eithanim/ Aytaniym 水流不息(西9-10月)
8. Bul. 莊稼之雨 (西10-11月)
9. Marpeim/ Marpayim.修理農作 (西11-12月)
10. Pagrim/ Pagriym. 腐 (西12-1月)
11. Peullot/ Pu'ullot. 晚期勞作 (西1-2月)
12. Hayr/ Hayir. 白色[霜雪] (西2-3月)
1. Nisan/Abib
2. Iyar/ Ziv
3. Sivan/Siwan
4. Tammuz/Tamuz
5. Av/Ab
6. Elul
7. Tishri/Ethanim
8. Bul /Cheshvan/Heshvan
9. Kislev/Chislev
10. Tevet/Tebeth
11. Shevat / Shebat
12. Adar (19年一次會有潤月第二個Adar月)
(傳統希伯來文譯成英文 串法有很多種)
Hebrew's transliteration often have different spellings.
唔加譯音 會太多版本會太長太多字
Not adding Cantonese or Chinese transliteration to avoid
having to include different version and avoid being too long too many text.
猶太人歷盡多次亡國 多次被迫宮&多次大流徙
No matter how they call the months,
since the Jews have experienced
many times of wars, national demise, persecution
& many large scale exiles,
they still are trying to pass on their
faith, history, culture, and historical lessons.
That is over two thousands years!
值得尊重敬重& 值得學習。
Worthy of respect, and worth learning.
For more details of modern observances in Hebrew calendar,
Wikipedia also has a list. 可看維基百科英文版:
引用請尊重知識產權 附注本頁出處.
If you share the image, please credit this page. 概念圖。每年日子不同。
Concept only. Every year it varies a bit.
已盡力務求正確. 如有錯漏請通知. 謝謝.
Tried my best to get it correct. If there is missing bits or errors,
please kindly let me know so as to correct. Thanks.