
信望愛Faith Hope Love 哥林多前書13章13節 1 Corinthian 13:13

信 望 愛?  over 30 versions 其中卅多個翻譯版本.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
KJV  1611+ King James Version

傳統中文/正體中文 (Traditional Chinese)

信﹑望﹑仁﹑三者並存, 而其中最大者仁矣.
1823神天新遺詔書 馬禮遜[馬六甲英華書院] Robert Morrison

1840 新遺詔聖書
今有信﹑有望﹑有愛, 此三者常存, 其中至大者愛也.
1886 新約 楊格非

如今有信有望有愛, 這三樣常存,其中最大的是愛.
1905新舊約全書 1905 施約瑟 Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky

如今所存嘅,有此三樣, 即係信德﹑仰望﹑仁愛,其中至大嘅係仁愛呀.
1907年 廣東話舊新約全書

OTNTC《希臘原文新約聖經》 Chinese (Classical) - 文言(中文)
New Testament and Psalms in Chinese, Russian Orthodox Translation © United Bible Societies, 1910.

如今存在者有信仰﹑希望﹑仁愛, 鼎足而三,中其中最大者為愛.
1967新譯新約  1967  蕭鐡笛譯,趙世光審定 [香港靈糧出版社]

如今長存着信﹑望﹑愛﹑這三樣: 其中最大的就是愛.

1970 呂振中 譯本 Rev Lu Chen-Chung [The Bible Society in Hong Kong]

CUNP 1989-1996 Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation, Shen Edition, Traditional Script[United Bible Society]  和合本新標點

RCUV  2006, 2010 Revised Chinese Union Version 和合本修訂版[ 香港聖經公會]

所以現在常存的有信、望、愛這三樣; 而其中更大的是愛。
CSBT 2011 Chinese Traditional 中文標準譯本 [Global Bible Initiative全球聖經促進會]

1979-2015 Chinese Contemporary Bible ( 聖經當代譯本修訂版 ) [Biblica]

CNV 1976-2010 Chinese New Version 新譯本.[The Worldwide Bible Society]

CCB 1979-2015 聖經當代譯本修訂版 [Biblica]

Koine Greek - Ελληνιστική Κοινή

"νυνι δε μενει πιστις ελπις αγαπη τα τρια ταυτα μειζων δε τουτων η αγαπη"
TR1624, Elzevir Textus Receptus 1624 https://www.bible.com/bible/182/1CO.13.13

拉丁文 Latina / LATIN

 Nunc autem manent fides, spes, caritas, tria hæc : major autem horum est caritas.
Vulgata latina (VULG)

英文 English
 And now dwelleth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the most of these is charity.
WYC 1382-1395 John Wycliffe & John Purvey {Wycliff was an Oxford professor & theologian}

And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
DRC  1752 Douay-Rheims Challoner Catholic Version.

And now abide faith, hope, love; these three things; and the greater of these is love.
Darby 1890.

 And so faith, hope, love abide [faith–conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope–joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love–true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.
AMPC  1958-1965 (there are newer ones 1987 & 2015) Amplified classic edition

In short, there are three things that last: faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love.
JB 1966 Jeruselum Bible

But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
MSG 1993-2002 The Message  

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
ESV 2001 English Standard Version [Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers]

Meanwhile these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love.
GNB 1992 Good News Bible

And now belief, expectation, and love remain - these three. But the greatest of these is love.
TS2009 1993-2015  The Scriptures 2009 [ Institute for Scripture Research (ISR)]

So these three things continue forever: faith, hope and love. And the greatest of these is love.
ICB 2015 International Children bible [Tommy Nelson/Thomas Nelson]

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
NIV 2011  New International version
[Biblica & Zondervan (HarperCollins-The News Corp- Rupert Murdoch)*]

But for now, three things last — trust, hope, love; and the greatest of these is love.
CJB 1998 Complete Jewish Bible [Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources]

日本語 Nihongo / Japanese 

 JLB 1978-2016 Japanese Living Bible ( リビングバイブル ) [Biblica]

JA1955 1955 Colloquial Japanese

法文  Francais /French

Or maintenant ces trois choses demeurent, la foi, l'espérance, et la charité ; mais la plus excellente de ces vertus c'est la charité.
FMAR 1744  Martin 1744

Maintenant donc ces trois choses demeurent: la foi, l'espérance, l'amour; mais la plus grande de ces choses, c'est l'amour.
NEG79  1979 Nouvelle Edition de Genève  [Société Biblique de Genève]

Maintenant, ces trois choses demeurent : la foi, l’espérance et l’amour ; mais la plus grande des trois est l’amour.
FRC97  1997 Bible en français courant  [Société biblique française]

意大利文 Italian

E Dio vide che tutto quel che aveva fatto era davvero molto bello. Venne la sera, poi venne il mattino: sesto giorno.
IC100d Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente 2014 [Editrice Elledici, Torino – United Bible Societies/Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera, Roma; terza edizione]

E Iddio vide tutto quello ch’egli avea fatto; ed ecco, era molto buono. Così fu sera, e poi fu mattina, che fu il sesto giorno.
IGD 1649 Giovanni Diodati Bibbia

德文 Deutsch / German

Und es ward also. Und Gott sah alles, was er gemacht hatte, und siehe, es war sehr gut. Und es ward Abend und es ward Morgen: der sechste Tag.
ELB71 1874 Elberfelder 

Und Gott sah alles, was er gemacht hatte; und siehe, es war sehr gut. Und es wurde Abend, und es wurde Morgen: der sechste Tag.
SCH2000  2000 Schlachter [Genfer Bibelgesellschaft Wiedergegeben mit freundlicher Genehmigung. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.]

英文+意第緒語 + 猶太哈斯迪語
But now remain emunah, tikvah, and ahavah, these shalosh (three). And the greatest of these is ahavah.
OJB 2002 Orthodox Jewish Bible (English with Yiddish & Hasidic expression)


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