
birds如雀鳥會保護幼鳥 以賽亞 依撒以亞 イザヤ Isaiah31v5

Multilingual 多國語文不同譯本/ 節錄 
Isaiah 31:5 以賽亞三5  依撒以亞書 イザヤ書 
在 詩篇Psalms 和 申命記Deuteronomy 也有。

注意一下 畫上線色那句。
猶太人 紀念PassOver 逾越節 要知原本事件.
埃及十災之中 神的子民在門上加血記號的免去被負責懲罰的天使殺掉長子的詛咒。含有放過的意思。 有時舊譯本有的在新譯本消失了。

English 英語 

"As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; 
defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.
~ KJVAAE. (King James Version American Edition with Apocrypha. 1611-1612

"As birds with outstretched wings, so will Jehovah of hosts cover Jerusalem; 
covering, he will also deliver, passing over, he will rescue it." 
~Darby's Translation( John Nelson Darby)1890 
In the Old Testament Jehovah is used to translate the Hebrew YHWH, 
and Elohim is translated as God, Eloah is translated +God, and El is translated as ·God.

"Like hovering birds, Adonai - Tzva'ot will protect Yerushalayim.
  In protecting it he will rescue it; in sparing it, he will save it.
~CJB Complete Jewish Bible English version. 1998. 

“Like hovering birds, so does יהוה of hosts protect Yerushalayim 
– protecting and delivering, passing over and rescuing.” 
~ TS2009. The Scripture 1993-2015 
"Like birds hovering, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; 
He will protect and deliver it, He will pass over and spare and preserve it." 
~AMPC. Amplified Version Classic Edition 1964-1987

 "Like birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts protect Jerusalem, 
protecting and freeing, passing over and saving." 
~CPDV. Catholic Public Domain 

" I, the Lord All-Powerful, will protect Jerusalem like a mother bird circling over her nest.” 
~ CEVDCI . Contemporary English 2nd Edition 

"Just as a bird hovers over its nest to protect its young, so I, the LORD Almighty, will protect Jerusalem and defend it.” 
~ GNBDC. Good News Bible Today's English Version Second Edition, UK 

"And like a huge eagle hovering in the sky, God-of-the-Angel-Armies protects Jerusalem. I’ll protect and rescue it. Yes, I’ll hover and deliver.” 
~ MSG. The Message 

"The Lord of heaven’s armies will defend Jerusalem. He will defend it like birds flying over their nests. He will defend and save it. He will ‘pass over’ and save Jerusalem.” 
~ ICB. International Children Bible 

傳統中文 Traditional Chinese 

「雀鳥盤旋護衛, 萬軍之耶和華也必照樣保護 耶路撒冷 ; 他必保護拯救, 逾越而搭救。
~以賽亞書 31:5 RCUV 和合本修訂版 2010-2016
Old and New Testament - Revised Chinese Union Version (RCUV) 2010

「雀鳥怎樣搧翅覆雛, 萬軍之耶和華也要照樣保護耶路撒冷。要越門保守。」
~CUNP 和合本 神版 1988-96 

~ CNV 新譯本 1976-2010 

~CCB. 聖經 當代譯本修訂版1979-2012 

「雀鳥怎樣搧翅覆雛,萬軍之耶和華也要照樣保護耶路撒冷;祂必保護且拯救、逾越且保全。」~恢復本  2005 

客家 Hakka 

「 就像鳥仔打開翼胛保護鳥子,𠊎 — 上主萬軍个元帥也愛保護耶路撒冷,愛保護它,拯救它,𨃟過它,毋俾它受傷害。」 
~ THV12HDB 客語聖經 – 現代臺灣客語譯本 新舊約全書客語聖經 – 漢字版 2012 

文言文 Classic Chinese

「 譬彼飛鳥、覆翼群雛、護衛之、拯救之、我萬有之耶和華、保護耶路撒冷亦若是、」
~ 文理《委辦譯本》1852-54. 

~馬殊曼-拉撒文理《新舊約全書》先知以賽亞之書 Joshua Marshman and Joannes Lassar 1823 

~施約瑟淺文理《新舊約聖經》Samuel I.J. Schereschewsky

日本語 Japanese 


鳥がひなを守るように、万軍のはエルサレムを守り、これを守って救い、これを惜しんで助けられる」。~ JA1955 聖書 口語訳

「翼を広げた鳥のように 万軍のはエルサレムの上にあって守られる。 これを守り、助け、かばって救われる。」~聖書 新共同訳 1987-88 Seisho Shinkyoudoyaku 

わたしは天の軍勢の主だ。鳥が巣の上を飛び回るように、エルサレムの上空を舞う。こうして都を守り、救い出す。」~ (リビングバイブル) 1978-2016 Japanese Contemporary Bible

法文  française フランスゴ French

"Comme les oiseaux volent, ainsi l'Eternel des armées garantira Jérusalem, la garantissant et la délivrant, passant outre, et la sauvant.
~ FMAR Martin 1744 
"Comme un oiseau qui vole au-dessus de ses petits, le Seigneur de l’univers protégera Jérusalem.
Il la défendra et la délivrera, il la protégera et la sauvera." ~PDV. Parole de Vie 2000-2017

